(33) 1 56 30 97 15

About Us

At A Fish’n Sea, we are proud to source high class seafood products. We build supply chain in the seafood sector, buy goods everywhere in the world and sell to fishmongers, restaurants, supermarkets, whole sellers and Cash and Carry stores.

Situated in the heart of the Rungis Market, this privileged situation allow us to control the quality of every shipments we receive.

Our purpose

At A Fish’n’Sea, we are close to our suppliers and to our customers. Our mission is to help the artisan fishmonger, restaurants, supermarket, whole-sellers and cash and Carry stores to succeed professionally side.

Mer et vague se brisant sur le rivage

Our vision

Our contact all over the world, our experience and our expert assessment concerning the seafood products allow us to continuously propose new opportunities to our customers. We also support them making discover to the consumers new products always more qualitative while assuring durability of the products and the fisheries for the coming years.

Filets de pêche